Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 54: pedaling past the piedmont

Great day folks! As the trip winds down, I am trying to extra enjoy these last couple of days on the road. I rode past many historical sights today and stopped at a couple of them to read about civil war battles.

And I stumbled upon yet another Sheetz! It was just that kind of day. The whole ride felt slightly downhill and the temperatures were moderate. Right now I am staying at a United Methodist Church and watching a Veggie Tales movie.

This is the view at Anna Lake

Look at all those shade-producing trees

This is me loving it

Gladiator parked outside the Sheetz

- Jeremy Tagliaferre; hiker, biker, and general life liker.


  1. When do you get to the part of your trip when you'll run into Wawas? Because that's when you can truly celebrate.

  2. Oh yes the classic Sheetz WaWa debate. I ran into a group of twenty-somethings at this Sheetz from NJ. They seemed to think that Sheetz was far superior.
