Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 49: Hayters gonna hate

Chops and I woke up at the state park and in an unprecedented move, he took a shower in the morning. He highly recommends that I try it some time. With my current shower streak now extended to 11 days, it looks likely that I will some day soon.

We got out on the road a few hours behind the girls who stayed at a motel near the park. Lots of big hills allowed us to warm up quick, but the cool air kept us from over heating.

Even though we were in VA, it still felt like KY. It wasn't until our first big climb that we caught up to Promise and Whitney and started to see a more Virginiaesque landscape.

Biking through Virginia has been great. Looming over our heads for most of the day though was the climb up and over Hayters Gap. The climb was not too bad with conversation, and the descent was gorgeous.

The coolest part of the day was rolling into Damascus, VA. It is also located on the Appalachian Trail. Chops and I spent a few nights here during our thru-hikes in 2007. I am staying in the same room I stayed in 5 years ago. We went out for pizza with the girls and some other bikers. Many great stories were exchanged.

Breaks VA to Damascus VA
Miles: 78
Dogs: 0
Times Chops said, "potatoes gotta potate, haters gotta hate: 27
Times I still found it funny: 27
Schools in VA we passed having back to school orientations: 3
West bound bikers I met: 0 (I usually meet at least one per day but it is getting late for them to be starting)
Friends I had to say see you later to: 2 (Chops and his wife Charmaine)

- Jeremy Tagliaferre; hiker, biker, and general life liker.


  1. You're getting close to the end.....I'm gonna hate that!

  2. did you eat at Quincys?? and stay at the Place?! I'm a little behind on your blog, but have loved reading every post!! -Liz ("Laugh Track")

  3. http://avlgeek.com/stefan/images/potate.gif
