My Second morning here in Bend OR started out with a chilly but beautiful ride down the hill that Carolyn and Bob live on. They are great and are letting me stay in what they call their pool house while I am here. I call it a poolace (pool house and palace combined). They are friends with a teacher I worked with back in Falmouth.
All the peeps in the bike safety class got together and we rode around Bend for the morning and did some more safety drills. We had a big BBQ lunch and then more ridding in the afternoon. Our training was almost thwarted by an unseasonably rainy rain shower. Instead, we relocated to McMenamins, an old catholic school that is now a restaurant pub hotel type thing. And that is where I wait now. I just got back from the bike shop because after training, some of the guys inspected my bike and said I should get my headset tightened.
My food just got here, a garden burger and some world famous Cajun tots!
- Jeremy Tagliaferre; hiker, biker, and general life liker.
Those tots are my favorite! Hope you liked them