I started the day nice and early with the hopes of making it to Breckenridge. Before noon, I had biked 60 miles and went over the divide once.

I was making good time, but just as James predicted, an afternoon storm rolled into mountains. I saw some lightening and decided to wait.

Eventually it kinda cleared. No more lightening, just a little bit of rain and lots of wind. I fought with wind for a while but instead of burning myself out to get to Breckenridge, I called up my buddy James and he came and picked me up. A younger, more daring and perhaps less smart me might have made a miserable and somewhat dangerous break for Breck. My older wiser self however enjoyed an evening catching up with an old friend and will the hit the trail again tomorrow after James drops me back off on his way to Denver. I will bike through Breckenridge again tomorrow on my way to Hoosier Pass.

Stats and highlights
Walden CO to near Heeney CO
Miles: 100
Ice cream flavors consumed: huckleberry, Carmel something or other
Chicken wings consumed: 20
Showers: 1
Loads of laundry completed: 1
Highlights: chatting with Fred this morning
Eating my lunch and then some ice cream in Kremmling
Reading about the history of the area from my maps while I waited for the storm to pass
Listening to all the cool music James has been making from his music studio / apartment
- Jeremy Tagliaferre; hiker, biker, and general life liker.